Învăţarea automată (eng. machine learning) reprezintă o categorie de algoritmi utilizaţi în multiple aplicaţii, precum: motoarele de căutare (Google), YouTube, Spotify, Siri (Apple), Alexa (Amazon), Cortana (Microsoft), filtrarea mesajelor nesolicitate, diagnosticarea medicală, analiza pieţei de valori etc. Învăţarea automată este o ramură a inteligenţei artificiale.

Acest curs complet acoperă toate subiectele pe care trebuie să le cunoașteți pentru a deveni maestru în domeniul învăţării automate. Iată conţinutul exact al cursului, care are o durată de aproape 6 ore şi jumătate, cu timpii la care diverse aspecte ale subiectului sunt abordate.

1. Basics of Machine Learning - 01:46
2. Why Machine Learning - 09:18
3. What is Machine Learning - 13:25
4. Types of Machine Learning - 18:32
5. Supervised Learning - 18:44
6. Reinforcement Learning - 21:06
7. Supervised VS Unsupervised - 22:26
8. Linear Regression - 23:38
9. Introduction to Machine Learning - 25:08
10. Application of Linear Regression - 26:40
11. Understanding Linear Regression - 27:19
12. Regression Equation - 28:00
13. Multiple Linear Regression - 35:57
14. Logistic Regression - 55:45
15. What is Logistic Regression - 56:04
16. What is Linear Regression - 59:35
17. Comparing Linear & Logistic Regression - 01:05:28
18. What is K-Means Clustering - 01:26:20
19. How does K-Means Clustering work - 01:38:00
20. What is Decision Tree - 02:15:15
21. How does Decision Tree work - 02:25:15
22. Random Forest Tutorial - 02:39:56
23. Why Random Forest - 02:41:52
24. What is Random Forest - 02:43:21
25. How does Decision Tree work- 02:52:02
26. K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm Tutorial - 03:22:02
27. Why KNN - 03:24:11
28. What is KNN - 03:24:24
29. How do we choose 'K' - 03:25:38
30. When do we use KNN - 03:27:37
31. Applications of Support Vector Machine - 03:48:31
32. Why Support Vector Machine - 03:48:55
33. What Support Vector Machine - 03:50:34
34. Advantages of Support Vector Machine - 03:54:54
35. What is Naive Bayes - 04:13:06
36. Where is Naive Bayes used - 04:17:45
37. Top 10 Application of Machine Learning - 04:54:48
38. How to become a Machine Learning Engineer  - 04:59:46
39. Machine Learning Interview Questions - 05:09:03



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