1. A single personality trait is the foundation for almost all mental illness [en]
     [Neuroticism seems to be the personality trait that best describes the risk of all mental disorders.]

2. The famous Stanford Prison Experiment was a sham [en]
     [The appeal of the Stanford prison experiment seems to go deeper than its scientific validity, perhaps because it tells us a story about ourselves that we desperately want to believe: that we, as individuals, cannot really be held accountable for the sometimes reprehensible things we do.]

3. Belly Fat Has a Role to Play in Fighting Infections [en]
     [Demonized as all body fat is, deep belly fat known as visceral adipose tissue (VAT) also has a good side: it’s a critical component of the body’s immune system.]

4. A brief history of black holes [en]
     [The measurement of the gravitational waves created in a black hole binary system was the first concrete proof that black holes exist.] Interview with uval Noah Harari

Interview with Yuval Noah Harari [en]
     [What’s different about this moment in history is the pace of technological change, especially the twin revolutions of artificial intelligence and bioengineering.]

6. What defines a stem cell? [en]
     [Stem cells were identified in other adult tissues throughout the body: in the skin, in hair follicles, in the gut—and a few months ago, in bone. They, too, could self-renew and give rise to their tissue’s various cell lineages. But otherwise, they looked very different from the blood stem cells.]




Societatea românească

1. Cum va arăta lumea în 2019? [ro]
     [Să încercăm să identificăm care ar putea fi lebedele negre ale lui 2019 sau ale deceniului următor (2020-2030)]

2. Bilanțul marilor lucrări de infrastructură din București [ro]
     [Lucrările la Pasajul de la Nicolae Grigorescu nu au fost terminate. Pasajul de la Ciurel a ajuns la 90%,  însă nu este gata. Lucrările la parcarea park&ride de la capătul Șoselei Pantelimon nu au început.]


în această secţiune a site-ului ne propunem să prezentăm o selecţie a celor mai importante ştiri din ştiinţă şi tehnologie, publicate în română sau engleză.

De asemenea, ne-am propus să menţionăm cele mai relevante articole din presa românească, în care se publică enorm, dar extrem de puţine articole sunt de calitate.
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