Motorola Moto XGoogle a prezentat recent telefonul Moto X, primul telefon realizat integral de Motorola după achiziţionarea de către Google în 2011. Caracteristica principală de marketing este controlul vocal complet al smartphone-ului. Moto X este în permanenţă pe recepţie.



Astfel, telefonul permite apelarea vocală, fără a fi nevoie de atingerea în vreun fel a hardware-rului, furnizarea de informaţii privind direcţia de deplasare ori privind starea vremii - totul prin control vocal.

Cu această caracteristică privind interacţiunea vocală cu telefonul, considerată a fi superioară aplicaţiei SIRI realizată de Apple şi care este prezentă pe iPhone, Google speră să-şi facă o intrare triumfală pe piaţa telefoanelor mobile inteligente.

Apelarea vocală a Moto X se face prin aplicaţia Google Now. Pentru a-l activa doar trebuie spus "Ok, Google Now". Ce e interesant e că doar posesorul telefonului îl poate activa. Orice altă persoană ce foloseşte formula "magică" în preajma telefonului va fi ignorată.


It relies on Google Now, the virtual assistant that retrieves information when you speak into the phone. Normally, you press something to activate Google Now. That's how Siri works on iPhones as well. With Moto X, you simply say, "OK, Google Now."

That command is specific to your voice. I asked three colleagues to speak "OK, Google Now" into a phone I trained by repeating the phrase three times. The phone ignored my colleagues, but responded to me instantly once I spoke from the same distance. Sorry, pranksters: You won't be able use this feature to set 3 a.m. alarms on your friend's Moto X.

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It relies on Google Now, the virtual assistant that retrieves information when you speak into the phone. Normally, you press something to activate Google Now. That's how Siri works on iPhones as well. With Moto X, you simply say, "OK, Google Now."

That command is specific to your voice. I asked three colleagues to speak "OK, Google Now" into a phone I trained by repeating the phrase three times. The phone ignored my colleagues, but responded to me instantly once I spoke from the same distance. Sorry, pranksters: You won't be able use this feature to set 3 a.m. alarms on your friend's Moto X.

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It relies on Google Now, the virtual assistant that retrieves information when you speak into the phone. Normally, you press something to activate Google Now. That's how Siri works on iPhones as well. With Moto X, you simply say, "OK, Google Now."

That command is specific to your voice. I asked three colleagues to speak "OK, Google Now" into a phone I trained by repeating the phrase three times. The phone ignored my colleagues, but responded to me instantly once I spoke from the same distance. Sorry, pranksters: You won't be able use this feature to set 3 a.m. alarms on your friend's Moto X.

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It relies on Google Now, the virtual assistant that retrieves information when you speak into the phone. Normally, you press something to activate Google Now. That's how Siri works on iPhones as well. With Moto X, you simply say, "OK, Google Now."

That command is specific to your voice. I asked three colleagues to speak "OK, Google Now" into a phone I trained by repeating the phrase three times. The phone ignored my colleagues, but responded to me instantly once I spoke from the same distance. Sorry, pranksters: You won't be able use this feature to set 3 a.m. alarms on your friend's Moto X.

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It relies on Google Now, the virtual assistant that retrieves information when you speak into the phone. Normally, you press something to activate Google Now. That's how Siri works on iPhones as well. With Moto X, you simply say, "OK, Google Now."

That command is specific to your voice. I asked three colleagues to speak "OK, Google Now" into a phone I trained by repeating the phrase three times. The phone ignored my colleagues, but responded to me instantly once I spoke from the same distance. Sorry, pranksters: You won't be able use this feature to set 3 a.m. alarms on your friend's Moto X.

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Motorola Moto X
Motorola Moto X


Principalele caracteristici ale Moto X sunt: ecran de 4,7 inch şi o cameră foto de 10 megapixeli. Fotografierea se face prin apăsarea ecranului telefonului oriunde; nu există un buton anume de apăsat pentru a face o fotografie.

Google nu a dezvăluit nicio dată privind lansarea telefonului Moto X în Europa. În schimb se cunoaşte că telefonul va fi disponibil în SUA, Canada şi America Latină la sfârşitul lui august ori începutul lui septembrie a.c.

Sursa: TheGuardian

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